About The East Canada Section

East Canada Section Is A Not-For-Profit Organization Founded In 1988.  With Charitable Status from May 2023.

www.ecs99s.ca and www.canadian99s.com belong to East Canada Section, The Ninety-Nines Inc.

The East Canada Section is made up of 7 Chapters:

There are those of us who fly for pleasure and those of us for whom flying is our career. Much of the Ninety-Nines’ activities center around getting into our planes and just having fun…women join the Ninety-Nines because they love to fly. Join us in friendship and aviation activities.  

In 1950, Canada’s first Chapter of the Ninety-Nines called themselves the First Canadian Chapter. Membership expanded quickly and on Dec. 29, 1988 East Canada Section was officially incorporated and has since grown extending across Ontario, Quebec and the 4 Atlantic Provinces.



Managed by Quebec 99s, C-FWQS is a Piper Cherokee 140 donated by Jill Oakes to the East Canada Section of the 99’s a charitable Organization , for women to fly for 40 CAD / dry.

You don’t need to navigate your aviation journey alone. The East Canada Section of the Ninety-Nines is full of accomplished, knowledgeable, and experienced members.


Each year The Ninety-Nines offer many scholarships through the Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Foundation , as well as through our Sections and Chapters… Read More

By supporting us, you are directly contributing to the growth and success of female pilots and helping us take one step closer to achieving the goal of a 50% representation of women in the aviation industry. As we have charitable status, receipts can be made for your donations, thus contributing to reducing your organization’s taxable income. 

Canada Revenue Agency’s website