Isabel Peppler – Canadian British Air Transport Auxiliary Volunteer
Within weeks of completing her private pilot license in 1966, Isabel Peppler became publisher of From the Ground Up, the definitive

textbook used by virtually all Canadian pilots preparing for their Transport Canada written examinations. One could say that as a newly licensed pilot she took on the role of instructor for Canadian student pilots. In 1997 she was presented with the Award of Excellence at National Transportation Week ceremonies, with the comment, “The fact that Canadian licensed pilots are considered the best qualified pilots of any country in the world, is worthy of recognition and can be directly related to Ms. Peppler’s contribution.”
Isabel initiated the French version Entre Ciel et Terre. In the early 1980s,
From the Ground Up was adopted as the primary aviation textbook in India, where it continues to be used. Throughout the world, From the Ground Up is recognized as an authoritative aeronautical reference book. Isabel ensured that the pedigree of the textbook, an excellent work initiated by Sandy MacDonald to train pilots during WW II, was maintained as the core of the publication.
As publisher, from 1967 to 1997, Isabel kept abreast of the ever-changing technological and regulatory evolutions within the industry. As publisher and chief editor, she integrated updates to keep From the Ground Up current, relevant and valid, such as air space classification, air traffic rules, airmanship, emergency procedures, and the introduction of the Canadian Aviation Regulations – CARs). Navigation technology also evolved considerably, from instruments used in earlier days, to Microwave Landing System – MLS and Global Positioning System – GPS. Weather reporting evolved as meteorological reporting and forecasting became more sophisticated.
For Isabel, these innovations were not simply theoretical concepts. She and her husband Bill, General Manger of COPA from 1957 to 1996, logged many trips throughout North America in their own personal aircraft.
The publishing industry itself went through a major transformation during her 30 years developing the content of From the Ground Up. As microcomputers started changing the way business was conducted, Isabel adapted her roles as writer, editor and publisher to new business technologies.
Born in Hanover ON, in 1934, Isabel was introduced to flying by Bill Peppler whom she married in 1957. Later, as the mother of three young children, she completed her PPL requirements within three months, at Port Elgin airport.
Isabel was an active member of the Ninety-Nines, holding several offices within the Eastern Ontario chapter as well asserving as governor of the East Canada Section of the Ninety-Nines.
Besides her contribution to aviation through From the Ground Up, Isabel was one of the founders of the Ninety- Nines’ Canadian Award in Aviation and served as a trustee for the award for many years.
By Marilyn Dickson
You can order Isabel’s and other women who played a role in our Canadian aviation history… stamp page link here
The East Canada Section, Ninety-Nines are thrilled to celebrate these remarkable women with the custom postal stamps.
All the stamps are available in four formats. With each order purchasers receive a brief bio which we encourage them to copy and send with correspondence when using the stamps.
Domestic Postage sheets of 50 can be used as regular letter postage, even after future rate increases – $85.
A booklet of 12 stamps is useful for those desiring a smaller quantity for regular letter postage – $24.
The Keepsake sheet features 25 regular sized stamps plus one large stamp – $45.
A limited number of First Day Covers are available for $7 each. They will be of particular interest to the stamp collectors among friends and family.
Sheets of 50 stamps, Keepsake sheets and First Day Covers may be ordered directly on the stamp order page with credit card or by printing the order form and mailing it, along with a cheque, to Bev Fraser, Box 56060, Fiesta Outlet, Stoney Creek, ON, L8G 5C9. An additional $4 cost will be required for mail orders.
Please note that these stamps are not available at postal outlets.