Canadian 99s come from different backgrounds, including housewives, airline pilots, flight instructors, engineers, doctors, lawyers, test pilots, teachers, astronauts, students…there are those who fly for pleasure and those of us for whom flying is our career.

The Canadian 99s are divided in to two Sections;

East Canada Section

Ontario, Labrador, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec – Chartered November 1, 1950 canada

Eastern Ontario Chapter – Chartered April 20, 1968

  • EOC members live in an area that ranges from Cornwall, Kingston, Ottawa and the Ottawa Valley areas.

First Canadian Chapter – Chartered October 7, 1950

  • the FCC covers mainly the Greater Toronto Area, east from Peterborough – north to Perry Sound – west to Hamilton

Maple Leaf Chapter – Chartered May 3, 1969 leaf-chapter-ontario/

  • has members from the Niagara area west to Windsor and Sarnia

Montreal Chapter – Chartered May 23, 1970

Sleeping Giant Chapter – Chartered November 29, 2011 sleeping-giant/

  • has a membership base in Thunder Bay, with many members spread across the north of Ontario to the Manitoba border. Contact:  [email protected]

Waterloo on the Grand Chapter – Chartered May 2014

West Canada Section

Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Nunavat, Yukon Territory – Chartered July 14, 1970

Alberta Chapter – Chartered April 20, 1968

British Columbia Coast Chapter – Chartered April 14, 1978

  • is the western most chapter in Canada, based in beautiful British Columbia with most of its members in the Vancouver and Vancouver Island areas… link to the BC Coast website

Canadian Rockies Chapter – Chartered September 22, 1979

  • is nicknamed the Black Sheep and is located in the interior area of British Columbia

Manitoba Chapter – Chartered September 1, 1971 manitoba

Visit one of our Chapter nearest you…get involved and join in the fun of being part of the Ninety-Nines!

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