The Ninety-Nines Inc FIRST WEDNESDAY WEBINAR – “AEMSF Scholarships – Tips for Strengthening Your Application
“Wed, Nov 4th @ 7:00 pm Central
With the Jan 1st AEMSF deadline just around the corner, start planning NOW to craft a compelling scholarship application.
Be sure to put forth your BEST effort! Many applicants fail to include important details in their essay, while writing about peripheral things that won’t raise their score. You can’t be scored on what don’t say (important facts and details are so often left out!) but you may be scored poorly on what doesn’t present well in your application.
Join AEMSF Trustee Dottie Norkus and Southwest Section AE Co-Chair Ceci Stratford who will discuss what judges are looking for in your story and your supporting documents.
They will offer tips to polish your application so that it may rise above the competition.Time will be reserved for participants to ask questions of the panelists.
Prospective applicants, Chapter AE Chairs, and Section AE Chairs are encouraged to join this session as some info will be presented as “Chairwoman Training” to help you better assist your applicants.
Please join us for this webinar – register today!…/5337803907972674832View Insights0 Post Reach