IMPORTANT REMINDER: the First Canadian Chapters AGM is being held this Saturday Nov 5th at Buttonville Airport.
Join us for the Annual General Meeting and learn what is coming up for 2017. Get involved, we have a lot of programs going on and can use your help to make them all a success!
The AGM starts at 10:00 am for Coffee & Snacks, with the meeting getting underway at 10:30 am.
After the meeting is adjourned, may of the members will be heading to a local restaurant for lunch. You are all invited.
I need an RSVP if you are attending, or thinking of attending, the AGM. We need to ensure enough seating and coffee.
Reply to [email protected]
WEBINAR: I hope if you are interested in applying for one of the Amelia Earhart Scholarships that you have started the process already.
If you have any questions, or are interested in learning more about how to fill in the application Then you will want to listen in to this webinar.
Don’t make the silly mistakes and omissions that can hurt your chances of writing a top scoring essay.
Get the hints, tips, advice and faux pas to avoid from winner Melissa Hanthorn and the AEMSF Trustees at the upcoming webinar Nov 7th at 8:00 PM Central (9:00 PM EDT) at
AWARD OF EXCELLENCE: The award is a special project of the First Canadian Chapter, intended to promote women in aviation. The Award of Excellence consists of a one-year membership to the Ninety-Nines, a cash award of $200.00, and a plaque, to be displayed at the flying club of the winner’s choice! We are voting at the AGM on increasing the funding for the Award of Excellence!
For the revised/updated application, click here… this page will have a link for the application as a PDF and Word.
99 NEWS/International Women Pilots Magazine is the official publication of our organization and is published by The Ninety-Nines. The magazines have now been digitalized and are available online of you to read…right back to the beginning of the Ninety-Nines. To read more issues, visit the Ninety-Nines International site, 99 NEWS – International Women Pilots Magazine
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS OF 2016: Welcome to the new members of the FCC 99s… Melissa Bendo, Judy Cameron, Sophie Coles, Monica Del Solar, Kerstin Kelly, Kerry-Ann Lecky-Hepburn, Laurie Macdonald, Leia Petines and Shannon West.
We hope that you have had a look at our website to see what is going on and we encourage you to get involved. Fly or volunteer at the Flying Companion Seminar, Girls Take Flight, Poker Run, FCC Tea, Gold Cup Air Rally, or any of our Fly-Out Lunches…
GOOD BYE, BUT NOT REALLY: This is the end of my term as the Chair, First Canadian Chapter 99s. I will be working with Lisa Bishop, Governor East Canada Section as the Vice Governor, plus will still be involved in many of the First Canadian Chapters programs, maintaining the website and being involved. We started a few new projects and hope to bring on more programs in 2017.
The chapter is only as active as the members make it! Get involved…even if you’ve been a member for many years and have already been on the Executive…we still need your help with the new members and to bring more women in to aviation and the ones who are already there, to learn about the 99s.
We have many committees that have been dormant and would love to get them active again…but we can’t do it without you.
New members are always welcome to get involved.
Contact me if you are interested in knowing where you can help!