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Exciting News: Half-Million Dollar Grant to The Ninety-Nines Inc!

The Ninety-Nines are very excited to announce that we have been selected as the recipients of a half-million dollar grant from the Conrad N Hilton Foundation!

To honor Barron Hilton’s legacy as a supporter of aviation, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation has awarded a half-million-dollar grant to the Endowment Fund of the Ninety-Nines, a nonprofit organization of women pilots dedicated to aerospace training and education. The grant will enable the Ninety-Nines to increase outreach activities, develop more high-quality pilot proficiency education programs, and share the group’s passion for aviation and the Ninety-Nines with others.

In addition to his success as a businessman and entrepreneur, Barron Hilton was a great friend to aviation. During his World War II Navy service, Hilton took private flying lessons and earned his single-engine license. At age 19, he earned his twin-engine rating at USC Aeronautical School. As a longtime aviation enthusiast, Hilton was a major supporter of the Experimental Aircraft Association’s Young Eagles Program, which encourages aircraft owners to give rides to youngsters to introduce them to the joy of flying.

The Barron Hilton Pioneers of Flight Gallery is funded by the Hilton Foundation with the hope that future generations of young people let their own dreams soar to new heights.

“It is fitting that we share the goal of the Barron Hilton Pioneers program,” said Mary Wunder, Chair of the Ninety-Nines Endowment Fund. “We are deeply grateful that the Hilton Foundation honors Barron Hilton’s love of aviation with this generous grant to the Ninety-Nines Endowment Fund.”

About the Hilton Foundation:  The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation was created in 1944 by international business pioneer Conrad N. Hilton, who founded Hilton Hotels and left his fortune to help individuals throughout the world living in poverty and experiencing disadvantage. The Foundation invests in 11 program areas, including providing access to safe water, supporting transition-age foster youth, ending chronic homelessness, hospitality workforce development, disaster relief and recovery, helping young children affected by HIV and AIDS, and supporting the work of Catholic sisters. In addition, following selection by an independent, international jury, the Foundation annually awards the $2.5 million Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize to a nonprofit organization doing extraordinary work to reduce human suffering. From its inception, the Foundation has awarded more than $1.8 billion in grants, distributing $110 million in the US and around the world in 2019.  Foundation assets increased from approximately $2.9 billion to $6.6 billion following the 2019 passing of Barron Hilton who, like his father, pledged virtually his entire estate to the Foundation. For more information about the Hilton Foundation, please visit