ECS Governor’s Service Award Winner – Susan Begg

The East Canada Section’s Governor’s Service Award was introduced in 1995 by then Governor, Joy Parker Blackwood, to recognize, on an annual basis, one member of the East Canada Section 99s for her outstanding and continuing contributions to the 99s and general aviation.

It was my privilege as the East Canada Section Governor, to announce the winner of this year’s ‘EAST CANADA SECTION 99S GOVERNOR’S AWARD’ is Susan Begg. A very well deserving recipient of this beautiful pin, we thank the East Ontario Chapter for putting forward Susan’s nomination.

 Susan has been a 99 since March 4, 1983. March 4, 2019 will mark the completion of 36 years as a member of this wonderful organization. This is longer than some members of the Chapter have been alive on this lovely earth. Her services to the Chapter are enormous and listed below: 

Chapter Level Services 

Susan was the EO Chapter’s Chair from 2002 to 2005 and then again from 2008 to 2016, a total of 11 years or 31% of her time in the organization has been as the Chair. 

Not only was Susan the Chair but from 2008 to 2016, she was also the Chair of: 

 Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Fund (AEMSF) 

 Airmarking 

 Aviation and Space Education, and 

 Membership (2011 – 2015) 

At present, Susan continues to be the Chair of the Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship; guiding members of the Chapter in applying and obtaining one of the many Scholarships available to the 99s. 

Susan’s services to the 99s do not stop at the Chapter level. She has also been involved at the Section level and at times being involved in both the Chapter and the Section level simultaneously. 

 2006 – 2014 – Aviation and Space Education Chair 

 2008 – 2011 – Treasurer 

 2011 – 2014 – Vice Governor 

 Airmarking but unable to obtain specific dates 

 2014 – 2016 – Governor 

Susan’s accomplishments do not just start and stop with the 99s. She has been involved in many other events such as: 

Canadian Precision Flying Association (CPFA) 1996 – 2000 

Susan was part of the above organization. She went to Fort Worth Texas as part of the 1996 Team as a reserve pilot and to Sweden in 2000 as part of the administrative support team. In 1999 CPFA went to New Zealand. Unfortunately, she was not able to go but assisted others from the Chapter (Dorothy Berthelet, Kathy Fox, Marilyn Daigle) with the preparations. Further involvement did not occur due to the CFPA eventually folding due to the lack of funding. 

East Canada Section – Gold Cup Air Rally (GCAR) 

GCAR is not a race. This all women’s cross country challenge is flown in day VFR condition only. The only competitive part is based on challenges such as aviation related questions, ground photos, calculation of fuel consumption, sport landing and more. 

Susan has been a staple of the GCAR for the last 20 years as she has participated in every GCAR. Susan and her team have won two of the GCAR (2008 & 2015) but organized at least 4 of these Rallies. As an experienced pilot and organizer, Susan has provided mentorship to new and old participants on how to obtain the various permits to cross the border, routes to take, and offered her place unselfishly for billeting fellow 99 sisters. 

Girl Guides 

Every year the EOC organizes a Girl Guides’ Day where the Girl Guides from Eastern Ontario can get their Aviation badge. These young ladies see a presentation on aviation, basic theory of flight, along with a presentation from a female speaker from the aviation community. This is held at the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum where they can also see the various planes and activities housed at the museum. 

Susan is an integral part of this activity as she organizes and co-ordinates this event with the assistance of the other chapter 99s. Again in 2019, Susan will be co-ordinating this event. 

Poker Run 

EOC ran the annual Poker Run for about 10 years with the last one being in 2001 as obtaining prizes was becoming extremely difficult. Susan for those ten years was the lead in organizing this event. Susan and Dorothy Berthelet were the main prize gatherers with the others in the Chapter also helping with the collection of prizes and running the event. This annual Poker Run was a “Begg Family Event” with Susan’s two young daughters helping their Mom with this major money raising event for the Chapter. 

Other Aviation Activities 

Susan has also helped and flown young girls and women in Girls Fly Day and Women of Aviation Worldwide activities. She has provided assistance in encouraging other to fly with her or join her in various activities such as Fly-in-Breakfasts, lunches and general activities in the ECS. She has helped mentor members of our chapter with IFR skills, checking out new airports that may be difficult to land, and general all around assistance. 

As you can see from the above summary, Susan has shown over the years a dedication to the 99s not only at the Section but especially at the Chapter level that is exemplary. EOC would be honoured to have Susan receive the Governor’s Service Award for 2019.