BYOS Plane Spotting Social

Last week, on July 3, the Montreal Chapter hosted a BYOS (bring your own snack) Plane Spotting Picnic at Parc Jacques-de-Lesseps, Dorval. They had a nice turnout and had a blast watching planes at YUL. Now that air traffic is starting…

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COVID Hangar Social

While keeping social distancing guidelines, it was a treat to see everyone today. We had a great turn out and 2 of our 99’s flew in from Ottawa for a total of 16 . I enjoyed hosting and appreciate the help…

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Emily Crombez was recognized Friday afternoon with a commemorative stamp from the East Canada Section of the Ninety-Nines, an international women’s aviation organization.

It was a beautiful day in Canadian aviation! The Ninety-Nines, East Canada Section (ECS), 2020 Canadian Women Aviatrix Stamp Launch Honoured the accomplished and inspiring Canadian aviatrix, Emily Crombez On Friday June 19, 2020, members of the 99’s, Emily's family and friends…

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Governors Service Award

Congratulations Lesley Page, on being honoured with the East Canada Sections 'Governor's Service Award' for 2020! A well deserving recipient of this award... read more about Lesley on Governors Service Award page

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Chasing Her Dreams From Syria to Canada

Montreal member Nour U is on the cover of the Ninety-Nines magazine. Refugee turned flight instructor hopes to encourage other young women to chase their dreams. Nour Utayim has always dreamed of being a pilot, following in the footsteps of her…

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A Conversation with Kathy Fox

On behalf of COPA National and COPA Flight 8, I would like to invite all 99s to virtually attend Episode 4 of our GROUNDED web series: a conversation with Kathy Fox.  Wednesday Jun 03 at 8 PM - 10 PM EDT…

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Learning to Use Zoom before the AGM

Sunday May 31, 10:30 a.m. EDT is the Annual Meeting of the East Canada Section 99s, you are invited to attend. As you are aware, the COVID-19 pandemic prompted the cancellation of our usual 'in person' meeting and we are now…

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