Women Fly 2015 Calendar
Women Fly 2015 Calendar for sale to support 99s $15 100% of sales goes to 99s. Order by emailing jill.oakes@umanitoba.ca
Place for old posts that are no longer valid.
Women Fly 2015 Calendar for sale to support 99s $15 100% of sales goes to 99s. Order by emailing jill.oakes@umanitoba.ca
The FCC 2015 Executive: Chair - Robin Hadfield; Vice Chair - Denise Egglestone; Treasurer - Kim Winsor. A photographer from SNAPd came by and took a group photo of the FCC members who were able to attend the meeting. It was a…
Hi Ladies First Canadian 99s 2014 Christmas Party and Silent Auction Sunday, December 14th, 2014, 6:00 p.m. Private Room at Alice Fazooli's, 155A York Blvd. Richmond Hill All chapters are invited — as well as guests! Cost and other details will…
You are invited to join Maple Leaf Chapter at their Christmas Lunch in honour of Pat Crocker RCAF 427 www.427wing.com 2155 Crumlin Sideroad, London ON November 23, 2014 12:00-14:00 Please join us for some great food and story telling Pat will be honoured at her…
It's looking like a sunny warm trip to Oklahoma for the International Ninety-Nines board meeting. The executives attended from the Eastern Canada Section.
SCHOLARSHIPS ARE NOW ONLINE - The AEMSF Board of Trustees has released the 2015 Amelia Earhart Scholarships Applications They are now available on the International website at www.ninetynines.org/index.cfm/scholarships.htm . Apply early if you are interested in applying for a scholarship. Read all the accompanying…
Registration Now Open for the September 26-27 Conference - Celebrating the Success of Aviatrix This Section conference is open to the general public! If you have ever wondered about general aviation, women in aviation, or dreamt about learning to fly, come and join us…