Three more weeks until our Poker Run!!!
Start at any of the tables located at 8 airports; they open at 9am and close at 2:30. Visit 5 airports (can include YPK) and be back to YPK by 3pm to hand in your hands and discover what GREAT prize(s) you win!
Start Time: 0900 / All planes must be back at the TERMINUS, Pitt Meadows YPK by 1500
Airports: Langley YNJ, Squamish SYE, Victoria YYJ, Abbortsford YXX, Boundary Bay ZBB, Chilliwack YCW, Delta Airpark AK3, Pitt Meadow YPK
$15 for 2 Poker Hands or 5 Poker Hands $30
Wx Go/No Go decision by 7:30 posted on our website, Facebook & Instagram pages
We can’t wait to see you all there!