BC Coast 99s – 2016 Poker Run
Sunday, June 12, 2016
(Rain Date: Sunday, June 26, if needed)
Tables open at 9am and close at 2:30. Be back at YPK by 3pm to hand in your hands and find out what GREAT prize(s) you win!! How to play…
Remember to bid on Coast Dog Aviation’s Annual Inspection and enjoy the BBQ by the AeroClub at YPK.
Fly safely everyone!!
Prizes are rolling in for the 2016 Poker Run. Please support the businesses who are supporting us and let them know that you appreciate their support! Thank you for your support too! (Note: bring your hands to the Pitt Meadows table by 3pm to ensure you are eligible for prizes!)
** Be sure to have lunch at YPK where the AeroClub will be hosting a BBQ by donation.**