East Canada Execs in Oklahoma.

It's looking like a sunny warm trip to Oklahoma for the International Ninety-Nines board meeting. The executives attended from the Eastern Canada Section.

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2015 Amelia Earhart Scholarship Applications Now Online

SCHOLARSHIPS ARE NOW ONLINE - The AEMSF Board of Trustees has released the 2015 Amelia Earhart Scholarships Applications They are now available on the International website at www.ninetynines.org/index.cfm/scholarships.htm . Apply early if you are interested in applying for a scholarship. Read all the accompanying…

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BC Coast Poker Run

We had our annual Poker Run on our rain date June 22nd, which turned out to be a beautiful flying day. Here are some photos from the fun day and we hope you can join us next year! Poker Run HQ…

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October 17, 1919 - June 27, 2014 Vi passed gently on June 27 surrounded by caregivers and her good friend Marilyn. In the background Vera Lynn was singing White Cliffs of Dover while goldfinches looked in from their feeder just outside…


East Canada AGM 2014

Maple Leaf Chapter hosted a great AGM for East Canada Section.  Major Deanna Brasseur was our guest speaker at our gala banquet on Saturday.  Ninety-Nines visited the open house for the Canadian Jet Museum.  A great time was had by all.

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Manitoba Chapter Awards 2014 Scholarship

Manitoba Chapter Awards 2014 ScholarshipThis year's scholarship was awarded to Amy Johnson.  Amy's first flying experience was when she was 10 years old on a Young Eagles flight. While still too young to fly, she volunteered at aviation events.  In the summer of 2013…

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