Anna Pangrazzi – Ultimate Aircraft Broker
by Marilyn Dickson
The Stamp Committee of the East Canada Section of the Ninety-Nines women pilots’ organization selects one Canadian female pilot each year, to honour with a commemorative stamp.
Like many, teenager Anna Pangrazzi had no planned career until her math teacher offered an unusual elective, the private pilot ground school. When completed, he offered students the chance to write the government exam. Anna had enjoyed the course and aced the exam. That summer she took flying lessons and within three months earned her Private Pilot licence.
She was enamoured with a young lad in Toronto and often flew for visits, taking friends to share expenses. Her piloting experiences grew, particularly with border crossings – because she lived in the USA.

After a year at university, Anna completed a Commercial licence and an Instrument rating. By then she had a considerable investment in aviation. She was as smitten with flying as she was with the Toronto lad! She had found a career. But her glasses were a problem. At that time, airlines didn’t hire pilots who wore glasses.
Anna married, moved to Toronto, and continued university studies, graduating in Economics in 1985. She became active in the First Canadian Chapter of Ninety-Nines, and later had a son, Jesse. When flying commercially seemed impossible, Anna sought new aviation challenges. She met a woman who sold planes. They worked together until her friend moved on and she briefly joined two fellows selling airplanes. In 1988 Anna formed her own company, Apex Aircraft, selling new and used planes, along with Leggat Aviation, which focused on maintenance.
At 29, Anna had little credibility with most potential plane purchasers. But those who “took a chance” were impressed with her flying experience and her knowledge about planes. She gained a reputation as an honest, reliable broker who excelled at matching buyers’ needs and budgets, with available aircraft.

Several became repeat customers, particularly when Cessna returned to production in 1995. In both 2000 and 2001, Anna was awarded Cessna’s Gold CSTAR award for sales over quota, a remarkable achievement! In that same period, she continued studies at York University, earning a second BA. In 2008, when a recession resulted in no aircraft sales for months, Anna turned her attention to recognizing Canadian women who have contributed to aviation and aerospace. She was instrumental in starting the Elsie MacGill Northern Lights awards. Besides honouring the women nominated, this program celebrated pioneer aeronautical engineer, Elsie MacGill. Now expanded to champion diversity and inclusion, and to include outreach, mentorships, and scholarship opportunities, the renamed Northern Lights Aero Foundation, has become a hallmark Canadian aviation institution, though many still refer to the awards as the “Elsies”.
Anna has worked hard during her 35-year career as an aircraft broker. She quickly learns new airplane features such as the Garmin G1000 avionics, and teaches others how to use them. In 2021 Cessna recognized her abilities by appointing Apex Aircraft Sales and Leggat Aviation the Eastern Canada Caravan Sales Broker.
Anna Pangrazzi is a dedicated member of several Canadian aviation organizations, has written many insightful articles about women working in various aviation careers, has created a wide personal network within aviation, and has amassed a wide range of flying experience, all of which contribute to her reputation as the ultimate aircraft broker!
The East Canada Section, Ninety-Nines are thrilled to celebrate these remarkable women with the custom postal stamps.
All the stamps are available in four formats. With each order purchasers receive a brief bio which we encourage them to copy and send with correspondence when using the stamps.
Domestic Postage sheets of 50 can be used as regular letter postage, even after future rate increases – $85.
A booklet of 12 stamps is useful for those desiring a smaller quantity for regular letter postage – $24.
The Keepsake sheet features 25 regular sized stamps plus one large stamp – $45.
A limited number of First Day Covers are available for $7 each. They will be of particular interest to the stamp collectors among friends and family.
Sheets of 50 stamps, Keepsake sheets and First Day Covers may be ordered directly on the stamp order page with credit card or by printing the order form and mailing it, along with a cheque, to Bev Fraser, Box 56060, Fiesta Outlet, Stoney Creek, ON, L8G 5C9. An additional $4 cost will be required for mail orders.
Please note that these stamps are not available at postal outlets.