Poker Run 2022
First Canadian Chapter

For the first time, Ground Vehicles are welcome to “drive” the Poker Run
- Everyone is encouraged to participate! Poker hands can be flown/driven by a surrogate.
- Each Poker hand scoresheet represents one entry.
- Poker Scoresheets can be printed off filled in prior to arrival. Please ensure all information is legible & completely filled in.
- Register, pay and draw the FIRST 2 CARDS for each hand.
- Planes fly to a 2nd airport for 2 CARDS per hand then to Edenvale to pick a final card.
- Vehicles proceed directly to Edenvale Terminus where they pick 3 final cards
- At each airport the attending 99s will stamp and initial all cards.
- ALL aircraft/vehicle ‘fly/drive’ bought Hands are eligible for a prize, including those of persons not physically present.
- Arrive Edenvale/CNV8 Terminus by 12:30 p.m. and submit hands.
ECAF – Edenvale Classic Aircraft Foundation Has offered to do a BBQ lunch for us for a nominal cost. Their doors will open at 11.30 a.m., lunch starting at 12 noon.
Please RSVP to Wendy Cragg, [email protected], or Adair Jacobs, [email protected] by Tuesday September 20 to ensure adequate supplies can be purshased.
Start at any of the designated airports
Buttonville, CYKZ, 9:00 – 10:30
Oshawa, CYOO, 9:00 – 10:30
Burlington, CZBA, 9:00 – 10:30.
Brampton, CNC3, 9:00 – 10:30 m.
Peterborough, CYPQ, 9:00 – 12:00
Lindsay, CNF4, 9:00 – 12:00
Collingwood, CNY3, 9:00 – 12:00
Single Hand – $10 / 5 Hands – $30 / 10 Hands – $50
All proceeds go towards the First Canadian Chapter 99s awards, scholarship and educational programs
Judging will be according to standard Draw Poker. The judges’ decision is final. Anyone who ‘flies/drives’ a winning hand is responsible for picking up the prize at the terminus and delivering it to the owner of the winning hand.
- 1 year subscription to SiriusXM weather plus music $1,600.00 value.
- 1 year ForeFlight subscription
- 1/2 day sailing with Robin and Dave on their boat Drake III
- Case of aviation oil and filter from Leggat Aviation
- 2 tickets to NLAF Gala
- Red Canoe – 3 fabulous hats
- Threshold Aviation – 3 prizes
- Dee Birchmore original artwork plus notecards
- Aircraft Spruce: $50.00 gift card x 2
- Threshold Aviation: One hour 737 flight simulator session x 3
- Nemo Scout
- From Upright Aviation Academy – a Super Decathlon Aerobatic Experience – value $399.00
- Malivoire wines
Check back as we hope to add more to this list!
Fly/Drive Safe & Have Fun!
Questions? Contact Wendy Cragg at [email protected]